Monday, May 28, 2012

Mary R. Kennedy's Death Teaches What United Behavioral Health Forgets: Depression Kills

Mary R. Kennedy's Death Teaches What United Behavioral Health Forgets: Depression Kills

Photo:  Politico

Mary Richardson Kennedy, estranged wife of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., took her own life, leaving behind the sour scent of senseless loss. You and I, as well as her well-heeled Bedford neighbors inconvenienced by helicopters, reporters, and notoriety, are once again reminded of the lesson tragedies like this teach: depression kills. And as I learned from a recent case of mine, it is a lesson the bean counters at United Behavioral Health desperately need to learn but probably won’t.
I’ve got no direct knowledge about this suicide. Just media reports. Nevertheless, I think it safe to say that she probably had resources enough to access the best care possible. Still she died, showing that depression can become a more powerful foe than the most potent combination of support, drugs, and therapy. As successful as treatments can be for some, they still fail for others. Some people fall through the cracks into suicidal hopelessness, as Ms. Kennedy apparently did, because available treatments have not yet fully domesticated depression.
Unfortunately, and what is in my opinion a shameful example of corporate irresponsibility, United Behavioral Health (UBH), a company that manages mental health care, acts as though depression is a riddle solved. They have developed guidelines and procedures that deny care to the very people who most need help, those for whom biology and biography conspire to kill hope.
If one compares the UBH coverage determination guidelines to the treatment guidelines published by the American Psychiatric Association two startling facts emerge:
– UBH does not mention treatment-resistant depression even once while the APA includes 61 mentions.
– The APA recommends with “susbstantial clinical confidence” that “it is important to collaborate with the patient in decision making and attend to the patient’s preferences and concerns about treatment” while UBH only includes a mention of  patient preference for adults with “mild” depression and when the question is whether or not to combine drugs and talk therapy.
UBH has put in place a strategy that makes perfect business sense—less care, more profit—while being clinically dangerous. And I’m pretty sure they do not tell the employers who purchase their services, “Oh, by the way, we hope you don’t mind but we’re going to exploit your most vulnerable employees, risking their lives to keep our costs down.”
Why am I picking on UBH? Well, they’re the “care-rationing” company with whom I’ve recently had dealings. I’m sure there are lots of other companies out there who similarly make money by denying mental health-care insurance benefits to those who deserve and need them. I just happen to have direct knowledge about how UBH works and what they do.  And my recent experience with UBH can only be described as a corporate shakedown. They held their guidelines to my head and said “give us your fees or risk having your patient die.”
Here’s a thumbnail of their irresponsibility. They “reviewed” my care of a chronically-depressed, intermittently suicidal man I’ve treated for a dozen years. Both before I met him and during the course of our work he has tried every available, reasonable treatment option. Nevertheless, waves of hopelessness would crash over him—sometimes for hours, sometimes for days, sometimes for weeks. When the noonday demon struck, he knew he could reach out to me and sometimes find some relief. We tried everything and he did made significant progress in his life, both personally and in his career, despite the sword hanging over his head.
When I answered the first call to “review the treatment” I said the goal of treatment was keeping him alive, or in the language of the UBH care guidelines “to protect susceptible patients from relapse.”  The conclusion to that review was being told I was doing excellent work with this man and that I should contact them should a “higher-level of service” be required.
Pretty good! So why am I complaining?
Well, three weeks later I got another call from a UBH “care-rationer” who wanted to review the review. Rationer #2’s conclusion after 12 minutes of conversation was to deny further treatment. The logic of her review was predicated on the assumption that all depression is treatable because their guidelines say so. Therefore, if he still had problems, that meant the treatment was ineffective. So much for protecting from relapse! The first “care-rationer” needed to check to make sure that he was sick enough to warrant ongoing treatment while the second was there to show that because he was sick enough to warrant ongoing treatment that meant that the care he was receiving wasn’t working and had to be terminated. Kind of like saying that if insulin helps someone manage diabetes but doesn’t cure it then it shouldn’t be covered.
I replied with his history of trying all available treatment options and tried to educate her about chronic treatment-resistant depression. I even mentioned the diabetes analogy. Her suggestion was I should recommend ECT (electro-convulsive therapy) and then have him rely on “community supports” because outpatient treatment was, apparently by definition, ineffective.
I sputtered on about how that’s not true, that he was making progress, but that he needed what we were doing to continue with career, friends, and family. And then, truth be told, we had words because her illogic and clinical incompetence got to me. (The next day I presented a paper at a professional conference and at the cocktail party learned from several newly-met colleagues who also had recent dealings with UBH “care-rationers” that my moment of temper was actually rather mild compared to how some other conversations have gone.)
Then, after 12 years of intensely working together in a largely successful life-and-death struggle, I got a letter a few days later saying they were covering 4 additional sessions so that I could help arrange other treatment options. They know he’s not going to go to his company’s human resources manager and complain. Still too much stigma. So, I decided to continue working together as we’ve been and just accept the co-pay for payment. Wouldn’t want to do anything else. I’m angry at UBH for creating unnecessary stress in the life of a vulnerable patient, for jeopardizing a helpful treatment, and for taking money that belongs to me. As far as the patient goes, I’m still fully committed to him.
The bottom line is that rationing mental-health care for private profit really makes no sense, especially with depression. And in all probability the lesson of Ms. Kennedy’s tragic early death will not be heard by the for-profit “care-rationers” who most need to learn the lesson.

Full article can be seen here:  

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