Monday, May 28, 2012

How One Entrepreneur Plans to Profit from the Next Securitization Wave

How One Entrepreneur Plans to Profit from the Next Securitization Wave

Photo:  Forbes

(This article appears in the February 13, 2012 issue of Forbes.)
Sue Allon has a stomach for risk. In August 2008—the year the massive U.S. mortgage-backed-securities market imploded—Allon started a company to analyze those bundles of loans and give them her stamp of approval. It was her second entrepreneurial venture: She sold her first company, another loan due-diligence outfit, in 2004 for $42 million.
Allon’s bet in ’08: The federal government’s Troubled Asset Relief Program would shore up the securitization market by taking $700 billion of bad loans off bank balance sheets. Instead the Treasury Department changed course and injected money directly into the banks (many of which refused to take a hit on all their busted paper). By the end of the year the once $900 billion market for mortgage securities issued by banks was nearly dead, and Allon’s Denver firm, Allonhill, then with 22 employees, was in deep trouble.
“It was the dead of winter, we had no revenue, and all of these people were counting on us,” says Allon, 53.
With the banks sidelined, Allon turned to Freddie Mac, the government-backed giant that owns and guarantees mortgages. As a quasi-federal agency, Freddie Mac (with its sister, Fannie Mae) tends not to work with firms less than a year old. To get in the door Allon offered to handle everything from matching signatures on loan documents to verifying home appraisals. “It took six weeks before we got someone who said ‘If you ladies will leave us alone, we will meet with you once,’” she admits.
When Freddie chose a different firm to audit hundreds of thousands of loan documents, Allon made an audacious proposal: In exchange for $1 and a chance at more work, her company would design its own software system for processing those loans. Freddie consented to the competition and gave Allonhill three months to deliver. “We were working around the clock,” recalls Allon, who covered the development and staffing costs herself. Three months later all her employees still had jobs and Allonhill had won a multimillion-dollar contract.
Since then the “private-label” ­mortgage-securities market (paper issued by banks, not Freddie and Fannie) has started to percolate. Last year $23 billion worth of private-label securities were issued, up 25% from 2010. Better yet, she adds, major Wall Street banks have retained her company to analyze mortgages that may be securitized down the road. Today Allonhill is profitable and pulling in nearly $40 million in ­revenue.
The big question: If issuers were using third-party verification firms before the crisis, what’s to stop the next ­financial-derivatives disaster? “If investors are going to rely on these firms the way they rely on credit agencies, we’re in for the same outcome,” says Stijn Van Nieuwerburgh, associate professor of finance at New York University’s Stern School of Business.
Allon, not surprisingly, is more sanguine. She points to a legally binding agreement introduced by then New York State Attorney General Andrew Cuomo requiring banks that issue mortgage securities to provide credit agencies with “due diligence data” on those loan pools—helpful information the agencies didn’t have before the crisis. For her part, Allon says that she reports to (and gets paid by) both the originators and the investors, thus helping ensure the integrity of the analysis. Avers Allon: “Our clients want to get it right.”
They aren’t the only ones.

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