Monday, May 28, 2012

Hey, Krugman, Ask China If Stimulus Is A Good Idea

Hey, Krugman, Ask China If Stimulus Is A Good Idea

On Friday, Paul Krugman once again made the case to the Obama administration for more stimulus, calling for $300 billion a year in additional spending “until the economy is back on its feet.”  And the resulting debt?  “This is not an urgent crisis,” he assured CNN’s Erin Burnett.  “Yeah, give me an economic recovery, I’ll become a fiscal hawk, but not now.”
Put the Nobel laureate economist in the same row as President Obama, who is hoping that he can push eurozone leaders to adopt pro-growth policies in the weeks ahead.  That was the thrust of his diplomacy as he met in Washingtonon Friday with French President Francois Hollande, who just ran on an anti-austerity platform, and at Camp David yesterday with G8 leaders.  Fiscal restraint is so yesterday in the eurozone.
Yet before the industrialized democracies commit to debt-fueled expansion policies, perhaps they should see what effect that approach has had in China.  Chinese leaders have been praised for their stimulative tactics announced in November 2008 to counteract the effects of the global downturn.
In 2009, the first full year of their expansionary program, they pumped about $1.1 trillion of stimulus into their then-$4.6 trillion economy.  Premier Wen Jiabao, China’s economic czar, authorized direct disbursements from the central government’s treasury, but most of the money was released into the economy through the large state banks.  He in effect ordered them at the end of 2008 to lower their prudential standards and go on extraordinary lending sprees.
The effect of the torrent of money was immediate.  The stock market, as measured by the Shanghai Composite, skyrocketed 80.0% in 2009, and property markets across China zoomed upward.
And the country’s GDP growth was the envy of the world.  In 2009, the economy grew 9.2% according to official statistics.
The boom continued as Beijing kept open the taps in following years.  In 2010, growth was 10.4%, and last year it came in at 9.2%.  What’s not to like with numbers like these?
For starters, what drove fabulous growth in the early years of the Chinese stimulus program is now creating a downturn.  From all we can tell, the economy contracted in January and in April growth was, at best, zero.
The dismal January performance can be dismissed as the result of the Lunar New Year holiday, but in April China has historically shown strong growth.  April, it should be remembered, is when manufacturing, the backbone of the economy, accelerates.
The April results, however, stunned China analysts, many of whom had mistakenly called the first quarter as the bottom of the cycle.  Yet they do not seem overly perturbed by the bad month.  The dominate narrative is that the “blip” was caused by government policies to slow the economy, so everything is going to plan.
Don’t believe the whistling past the graveyard.  For one thing, it is unlikely that Premier Wen intended to cause a contraction.  Yet even if he did, his recent moves seem unable to stem the downhill momentum.

He has, for instance, continued to loosen restrictions on first-time home buyers, but property markets continue to tumble.  In the last few days, his government announced new incentives for the purchase of energy-efficient appliances and cars.  The new subsidy programs, however, are smaller than the ones that have just lapsed, so they should not have a significant effect.  Wen has yet to authorize significant direct spending by central government ministries.
Why not?  Perhaps he knows his economy is beginning to choke on debt.  So far, Beijing’s main effort to re-stimulate the economy has been to dust off its 2008 playbook and encourage the banks to lend even more.  The People’sBank of China, the central bank, this month reduced the reserve requirement ratio to give the banks a larger pool from which to make loans.  Heavily indebted borrowers, however, are becoming pessimistic and do not want to incur more loans, especially at current interest rates.
The decline in lending was especially evident in the last two weeks of last month and the first two weeks of this one.  In the first half of this month, new lending by the Big Four banks, which account for about 40% of credit,dropped to almost zero.  State banks, in the absence of business, are reportedly dressing up their books by lending to each other so they can meet government deposit and interest-income targets.
Private lending—illegal but nonetheless tolerated because it is essential to private enterprises—also appears to be collapsing.  As a government survey from trend-setting Wenzhou indicates, gray-market loans are down 30% from last August in the city called the cradle of private business in China.  More than 800 financial intermediaries there had closed their doors by late March.
Although the China Banking Regulatory Commission maintains the banks have an excellent nonperforming loan ratio—0.9% at the end of the first quarter—there is evidence that the regulator knows these institutions are in deep trouble.  There has been, after all, extensive discussion as to how to relieve the banks of questionable loans that were made since the end of 2008.
The result of the deliberations was an order from the CBRC to the banks in February to rollover bad loans, especially those extended to the so-called local government financing vehicles, which could have incurred about $1.7 trillion dollars or so of obligations since the end of 2008.  Yet even though the banks will not recognize losses, the continued presence of bad loans on their books restricts their ability to make fresh ones.
And the worst sign for the banks has been the flight of deposits, especially evident last month.  Chinese citizens and businesses are increasingly reluctant to accept low deposit rates mandated by the central government in order to keep bank loans cheap for state enterprises and local governments.  Of course, fleeing deposits limit the loans the banks can make in future months.
This is where Krugman comes in.  Debt matters, even in countries like China where it can be hidden for decades on the books of the banks, local government instrumentalities, and central government ministries.  The failure of China’s banks to lend in the last four weeks is just the inevitable result of burdening them with the responsibility of stimulating the economy for more than two years.
Even in a semi-command economy like China’s, the laws of economics eventually apply.  So, Dr. Krugman, after years of stimulus channeled through the banks, the buildup of loans looks like it is beginning to prevent the central government from taking effective action to stop collapsing growth.
China’s debt-to-GDP ratio is thought to be about the same as America’s.  But in an open economy like ours, debt could have an even more profound—and immediate—effect.

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