Monday, May 28, 2012

A Day in Federal Court

A Day in Federal Court

Three weeks ago, I spent the entire day in Rockford, IL at the arraignment of Rita Crundwell, former city comptroller of Dixon,IL. If you are a fraud enthusiast like me, then you are very familiar with this case. If you are asking, ‘Who is Rita?’ let me give you a quick update. On April 17, 2012, Rita was arrested for the alleged $53 million fraud. According to FBI documents, Rita has been embezzling taxpayers heart-earned money for over two decades. Unbelievable, you may be saying to yourself. But how rare is this actually? Just think about it this way; Rita just was one of the many fraudsters that got caught. How many escape every year?

This was my first federal courtroom experience. I really did not know what to expect. The Rockford, IL courthouse looks like a small office building and this particular courtroom was extremely small courtroom. There were only about 22 people that filled this tiny courtroom, ranging from journalists, Dixon residents and interested parties like myself. Surprisingly, I did not notice any family members or ‘Rita supporters’. I remember reading a blog post by Forbes bloggers Walt Pavlo on being a white-collar felon and having not having any friends. As I sat in court and observed Rita, I was wondering if all of her friends abandoned her.

Like I said, this was my first arraignment attendance and when the judge entered the courtroom and the bailiff said, “All rise”, I felt anxious for some odd reason. I think I was anxious because I just could not understand this fraud. I mean, I have been studying fraud and white-collar crime for years but never have I attended an arraignment hearing. Now, I am not an attorney, but luckily Tom Golden (former PwC forensic accounting partner and nationally leading expert and author, attended the hearing and could answer most of my questions about the case.

Rita look terrified, and rightfully so. To my surprise, her attorney pleaded ‘not guilty’. Now possibly, this was a strategic legal matter in order to give Rita more time to work out a plea deal, but the pre-trial motion is set for June 15, 2012 (and I will be in attendance). According to the prosecution, there are 11,000 written documents that must be reviewed by Rita’s public defender—oh yes, all of Rita’s assets are frozen and she is being represented by the Federal Defender Program which provides counsel to individuals who are charged with federal criminal offenses and cannot afford to hire counsel.

As I sat behind Rita, wearing a metallic raincoat, grey sweater paired with navy slacks and her hair pulled back in a ponytail, I just could not help wondering ‘what in the heck where you thinking?’. How does one person who earns $80,000 steal $53 million over a 20-year period? How does one rationalize that? Do we not engage in fraud because we are scared of getting caught or truly because we believe in right from wrong. I just kept wondering what Rita could have possibly been thinking. At any point during the past 20 years, did she think she would get caught?

Additionally, what type of controls did the city of Dixon NOT have to allow a person to setup an account and steal this amount of money? Let’s think about this one—do you honestly think that you could go and set up a bank account on behalf of your employer, call that bank branch and routinely have money wired out of one account and into another? If your answer to this question is yes, there is a strong chance that you could be the next major fraudster in your town. If the answer is no, then there is a chance that your organization has sound internal controls.

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