Monday, May 28, 2012

President Obama's Green Jobs Mirage

President Obama's Green Jobs Mirage

In recent weeks, President Obama has cranked up his commitment to federal subsidies for “green” energy in the face of accumulating defaults by the politically connected companies. “I will not walk away from the promise of clean energy,” as he declared at his State of the Union. “I will not cede the wind or solar or battery industry to China or Germany.”
The President can make as many grand pronouncements as he likes, but the actual results of his green energy efforts have been paltry in terms of jobs and industry growth—and fiscal irresponsibility.
And now his 2012 campaign team has distorted the truth to get the American people to buy into their troubled energy agenda. A new 30-second TV spot released by the campaign gives the President credit for the “2.7 million workers” now employed in the clean energy sector.
This statistic is jerry-built. And its mendacity is all the more ironic given that the spot begins by accusing clean-energy critics of making claims that are “not tethered to the facts.”
That 2.7-million figure comes from a July 2011 Brookings Institute study that broadly defines clean energy jobs as any in “the sector of the economy that produces goods or services with an environmental benefit.”
This means that figure can then encompass a whole host of jobs that have nothing to do with windmills or solar panels, including sanitation workers, drivers of buses and subways, and those in “waste management.” In reality, just 29,000 Americans actually work in solar energy.
Further, the figure represents the total number of green tech jobs in this country — the vast majority of which were created well before Obama took office. He can’t take credit for them.
Obama’s ad neglects to mention what the Brookings study did: that green jobs expanded at an annual rate of just 3.4 percent between 2003 and 2010, significantly below the growth rate of the overall economy during that period (4.2 percent).
The real figure the President could be pointing to is the Council of Economic Advisers’ estimate that the 2009 stimulus package generated 224,500 new green-tech jobs. And at a cost to real jobs elsewhere in the economy as taxpayers-qua-consumers were left with a hole in their pocket.
Still, even a corrected-for figure might not sound too shabby. But it’s paltry compared to, say, the 13 million people currently out of work in the country, or the 9.2 million jobs currently supported by the domestic oil and natural gas industry.
Despite the President’s grand promises and slick ads, so-called green energy holds little hope of reviving the economy. Politically correct (and but consumer incorrect) wind, solar, and batteries have little to show for already received massive taxpayer support. In some cases, taxpayers get worse than nothing — they get a huge bill after the firm goes bankrupt (e.g. Solyndra, Ener1, Range Fuels, Beacon Power Corp.).
It’s the oil and natural gas industry — all-too-often demonized by the President and his friends — that can truly serve as a launching pad for a resurgent American jobs market. Oddly but encouragingly, the President has started to subtly acknowledged this inconvenient truth. During the State of the Union, he promised to “open more than 75 percent of our potential offshore oil and gas resources” for development.
That’s a good start. But these promises have to be backed with hard-and-fast reforms.
According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, under current policy there will be a one-third drop in Gulf offshore production by next year. Permitting of western federal lands has declined 13 percent. And the Obama administration just rejected the Keystone XL pipeline, which would have transported oil from Canadian shales to Texas refineries with an estimated 20,000 new jobs.
The good news, if you can call it that, is that such blockage creates upside. A study from the consulting firm Wood Mackenzie found that just a few simple reforms — including improving energy regulations, expanding development access and raising permit rates — could create a million or more new jobs by 2030 and generate $800 billion in new economic activity.
Tapping into this potential requires the President to make good on his State of the Union promise and actually open up federal land for development. But he can’t stop there.
The House is currently considering new legislation — the “American Energy Infrastructure Act” — that would tie domestic energy production to high priority infrastructure projects. Importantly, the bill opens up large tracts of Alaska and offshore territories to energy exploration. And it would speed the development of existing shale resources.
The President should get behind the Act, as well as opening and streamlining the process for leasing and permitting areas for development. Eliminate impractical and duplicative regulations is another win-win opportunity for consumers and producers.
Grand “green” energy promises might make for good headlines. But there’s scant evidence the industry will live up to them. The true path to sustainable growth is right here at home when it comes to oil and natural gas.

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