Monday, May 28, 2012

The Bank Bailout's Ugly Stepsister: Fannie Mae Still Losing Billions

The Bank Bailout's Ugly Stepsister: Fannie Mae Still Losing Billions

The financial sector has had a tough slog in recent years, but the billions of dollars in losses that played out during and after the 2008 crisis have largely passed. That is, of course, except for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
The mortgage finance giants have taken on a greater share of supporting the U.S. housing market as private players pared back their exposure in recent years, and the result has been billions of losses on the taxpayer dime. Fannie Mae reported the latest of those Wednesday, booking a $16.9 billion 2011 loss capped off by the loss of $2.4 billion in the fourth quarter.
“While economic factors such as falling home prices and high unemployment produced strong headwinds for our business again in 2011, we continued to grow a very strong new book of business as we have since 2009, “said CEO Michael Williams, who resigned in January but remains on board while the government-sponsored enterprise (GSE) looks for his replacement.
Fannie Mae’s losses are still coming largely from legacy book of business (from before 2009), which led to $5.5 billion in credit-related expenses tied to declining home prices. (See “Case-Shiller: U.S. Home Prices Wrapped Up 2011 At Fresh Lows.”)
Business the company has booked since 2009, when lending standards got tighter and the excesses of the housing bubble were firmly in the rearview mirror, are starting to account for more of the firm’s net revenues but still not nearly enough to make the enterprise profitable.
Part of the reason for that is the government’s ongoing support of Fannie Mae and sister firm Freddie Mac, which comes at a price. When the Treasury Department under Hank Paulson opted to put the pair into conservatorship in 2008, it took a preferred stake in the two entities. During the fourth quarter Fannie Mae paid $2.6 billion in preferred stock dividends to the Treasury. That left Fannie with a net worth deficit of $4.6 billion as of year-end, and led the firm to request another infusion from the Treasury to eliminate it. Freddie Mac has not yet released fourth-quarter results, but had a $6 billion net worth deficit at the end of September it asked the Treasury to fill.
The black holes of Fannie and Freddie – Fannie’s Q4 report shows it has requested to draw $116.2 billion since being placed under conservatorship Sept. 6, 2008 while paying back $19.9 billion in preferred stock dividends – are the biggest black eyes of the 2008 bailouts.
Plenty of critics of the Troubled Asset Relief Program have made their voices heard over the years, but at least most of the banks that received TARP injections – the biggest of which went to Bank of America and Citigroup – have paid back the government’s loans and are back to making profits, if modest ones. Even American Intl Group and the automakers  that received bailouts – General Motors and Chrysler – have moved beyond needing additional government dollars.
Fannie and Freddie, on the other hand, show few signs of becoming anything resembling productive companies until the housing market turns around or the pre-2009 assets are completely wiped off the books or new policies are necessary to encourage new refinancing beyond those currently in place that have had limited impact.

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