Monday, May 28, 2012

10 Questions for Occupy Wall Street

10 Questions for #Occupy Wall Street

Photo:  AP

The 10 Questions:
1.       In all your fury at OWS bogeyman, Bank of America (with its high fees, robo-signing, and disastrous purchase of subprime mortgage giant,Countrywide Financial), how many of your realize that the bank was put, at least in part, in its current dire financial situation, not just because of subprime loans, but because of pressure from Bush Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson to go through with the purchase of damaged Merrill Lynch?
2.       How many of you realize that over half of all Americans, including most of the union memberswho now opportunistically come to your side, have their retirement and pension accounts invested in corporate securities via mutual funds, hedge funds, 401K plans, IRAs and other financial instruments? Have you stopped to consider that tearing down Wall Street, for its seeming “corporate greed,” will, in turn, damage the financial survival of those you seek to help?
3.       Have you stopped to consider that the profits earned by Wall Street investment banking firms are compensation for the risks they take to increase profitability for investors, including institutional investors like unions (think CalPERS), employee benefit plans, and charities, as well as individual investors like Mom and Dad via the college fund they set up for you many years ago? If you clamp down on banker “greed,” you will, in turn, be clamping down on banker risk. Which might be something I support in some areas (especially greater capital and collateral requirements for riskier investments like CDOs), but with that clamp-down likely will come less retirement income for your biggest backers, including mom and pop (which, in some cases, might be depositing filthy lucre in some evil bank account right this second, so you can continue to eat while protesting through the winter). Moreover, a clampdown on risk will reduce the amount of liquidity in the economy. And, thus, not only dim employment prospects, which you ardently call for (“We Want Jobs! We Want Jobs!”), but the chances for refinancing underwater mortgage and student loans. Finally, as extremely large and powerful institutional investors, your union pals actually have a say over corporate governance. If you don’t like a company’s direction, or how that “greedy” CEO received a bonus while taking government payola, protest outside union headquarters or other institutional investors that have large stakes in that company. Demonizing a company on face, however egregious its leadership, is not going to grow this economy one iota.
4.       I assume that most of you by now realize that your protest was inspired by a tongue-in-cheek, anti-consumerist Canadian publication calledAdBusters (“Blame Canada!”). Nothing wrong with that. If you read my Monkand Crotty Farm Report columns, you know that I routinely rail against the surfeit of advertising in all areas of American life, especially during sports programming. One reason I like soccer is because there are no commercial breaks during the game. However, advertising is the primary funder of a free press. Could media, including your beloved social media, survive without it?As a long-time publisher, I reckon that few publishers could, especially if they had to depend on subscription or single-issue sales. Maybe that is a good thing, but it is something to consider.
5.       If you are anti-consumerist, why are you not singing the praises ofHerman Cain’s 9-9-9 plan? First, it flattens the tax for everyone, making it fairer, less complex, and harder to game. If you genuinely favor a more transparent tax system — which the wealthiest can no longer manipulate to their advantage via loopholes and deductions — you would support Cain’s plan. Moreover, his 9% sales tax would be a strong disincentive to consumption, and, thus, consumerism. Maybe you and your AdBuster brethren should invite Mr. Cain to speak in “Liberty Square.” Unless, of course, you are pro-consumerism. This would make at least some economic sense, since a large percentage of U.S. GDP comes from the consumer sector. However, a pro-consumerist view would run smack up against your AdBusting anti-consumerist mantra. So, what will it be? Liberal shoppers at Lulelemon, Trader Joe’s, Kenneth Cole, Whole Foods, and Apple stores everywhere are waiting for your guidance.
6.       You call Wall Street bankers “criminals.” But where is the criminal indictment? Where is the evidence of criminal wrongdoing? I could see a case for moral or even civil culpability, but criminal? Where? And, if you want to throw the “criminal” label around, why are you not protesting outside the offices of Fannie and Freddie, whose loose lending standards helped engender the housing bubble, and the resulting financial crisis? Nary a peep on that head, yet you want to let recalcitrant homeowners, many of who took out loans they knew they could not afford, stay in homes even after years of non-payment? Isn’t there a double standard here? If the bankers are culpable, then Freddie, Fannie, homeowners, and, above all, the ratings agencies (who gave AAA ratings to junk CDOs) are culpable too, no? Why aren’t you protesting outside Fitch and and McGraw-Hill (owner of Standard and Poor’s)? Why aren’t you protesting outside Mr. Buffett’s fabled Farnam Street home in Omaha? After all, he owns a huge stake in the Moody’s rating agency. If you are still hopping mad about how the housing bubble precipitated the financial crisis, then start spreading the hate around.
7.       You rail against the “bailouts.” I too railed against them, including the bailout of two inefficient, innovation-challenged American auto dinosaurs, GM and Chrysler. It’s not the job of a government in a free market economy to pick and choose winners — whether via hastily assembled preferred government stock investments (e.g., Citigroup, Goldman, GM, AIG) or boondoggles (Solyndra) – or losers (Lehman Brothers). But, if you were in Presidents Bush’s and Obama’s shoes during the financial crisis, would you still have failed to backstop our largest financial institutions? Do you realize that, if you didn’t act, the credit markets had a good chance of freezing up, preventing you and your union friends from purchasing anything with your credit or debit cards, let alone withdrawing cash from your beloved credit union ATMs? If you are okay with this scenario, you should all be backing Ron Paul, who is the only politician to courageously call for a complete governor on crony capitalism and Too Big to Fail. And Mr. Paul has a point. In pure capitalism, we should let publicly traded companies fully pay the consequences when investments go bad. As any stock or commodity trader will tell you, when corporations know that they will not be bailed out for the risks they take, you will start to see true risk management on Wall Street (however, see point 3 above about the dangers of less risk) and on Main Street (because bank lending standards will remain tight). Yet few of you back Mr. Paul, who is, incidentally, the biggest peacenik in either party. This has me scratching my head. Instead, you embrace grandstanders and celebrity know-nothings without thinking through what the logical extension of your argument should be. What’s more, you fail to acknowledge that most of the money lent to corporate America via the Trouble Asset Relief Program (TARP) has been paid back. In addition, all of the major banks paid back their TARP money with interest. In short, please specify the net loss to this economy from the TARP program. And please specify how further tightening of credit standards will create meaningful private sector jobs at this juncture.
8.       I hear you say there should have been a TARP program for low-income earners, for the hallowed “99%.” But what do you think the bailout of GM and Chrysler was? The U.S. saved those car companies precisely to preserve manufacturing jobs. What do you think the tax rebate was? The reduction in mortgage rates? The dramatic increase in unemployment benefits? The enormous grants to state and local governments, so they could keep unionized workers, like police, firefighters, and teachers on the job? Those were all huge bailouts of the average American.
9.       I also want to know what you dislike about Mr. Obama’s current economic policies. Sure, if you buy Paul Krugman’s analysis, Mr. Obama might not have gone far enough with his Stimulus efforts, but politics is the art of the possible, not what some Keynesian academic thinks is warranted in the abstract. So, what precisely do you find troubling about the President’s sundry stimulus efforts to aid the poor and middle class in this country, including the Making Work Pay Tax Credit, the Economic Recovery Payment, the First-time Homebuyer Credit, the Alternative Minimum Tax (designed to punish the very high-earners you excoriate), a Deduction for Taxes on Car Purchases, a Child Tax Credit, the American Opportunity Tax Credit to help with the costs of post-secondary education, Temporary Income Exclusions for those receiving Unemployment Benefits, and all sorts of small business tax incentives and efforts to encourage mortgage modifications? Can you please break down for me how the “99%” are not helped by those initiatives? Moreover, how is the President failing to protect consumers from the more deplorable practices of financial institutions? Didn’t his 2009 Credit Card Accountability, Responsibility, and Disclosure Act address the issue of unfair rate hikes and hidden fees head on? And was Dodd-Frank just whistling in the wind? Your dreaded Wall Street banks sure don’t think so.
10.        What do you feel is the proper role of government in an age of austerity? I too have a wish list I would like the government to pay for. However, the rubber hits the road in politics with how you are going to pay for it. So, OWS, how are you going to pay for this laundry list of demands culled from your protests. $20/hr. minimum living wage (excuse me?); universal single payer health care (good luck getting that passed); free college education for all (and Steve Eisman thought the current education bubble was bad); open borders (and you folks want jobs?); outlaw credit reporting agencies (and you’re mad about the last financial crisis?); higher taxes on “the wealthy” (yet you want them to provide you with work?); campaign finance reform (all for it, but your unions are against it); anti-fracking initiatives (the best source of new jobs is in the natural gas fields of North Dakota and Montana).
Friends, it’s easy to be against something. It is a whole other vegan burrito to provide granular and empirically tested policy prescriptions for what ails us. So far, I have seen none of that rigor coming out of the Wall Street protests or any of the other Occupy protests around the country and the world. Instead, I see more of the hyper-emotional knee-jerk prescriptions that got us in this mess, including government forgiveness of student loans (which would simply fast-start a another loan bubble, and re-ignite the financial crisis).Maybe it’s time to tone down the rhetoric and get to work thinking through whether you are the solution or the continuance of the problem.

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